The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

My Last Day in Mexico

Well, It was my last day in Mexico today, and what a day its been. Its going to be hard to come back to the cold, yet at the same time I'm feeling refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to get back to the real World. But in the spirit of the moment I think its only fitting to relive the day and share it with all of you! So here we go!

Today we were going horseback riding, followed by a nice little tear around the beach on some ATVs. That would pretty much take up the entire morning and afternoon leaving our last night in Mexico to do whatever we desired. The day started off with my mom, my cousin, and myself getting up bright and early at 7am to catch our shuttle to the ranch.
- My cousin Zoraida and I arriving at the ranch. We look pretty happy, but believe me when I say we are exhausted!

Once we arrived at the ranch we were greeted by Jorge. Jorge is from La Paz. But he studied and graduated in Mexico City to become a veterinarian. He actually spent 3 years living in Red Deer, Alberta raising and training horses for competition. He mentioned the stampede and how much he loved it, but also how much he hated the cold, which is why he ultimately moved back to Mexico.
- Jorge getting started up on my horse, Vodka. Yes thats right, his name was Vodka. Clearly we were meant for each other.

We went riding for almost a solid two hours. The first hour we rode through some desert paths and it got pretty hot. Eventually we hit the beach which made for an amazing view and experience. When we got to the beach there was an incredible and life saving ocean breeze blowing right towards us which helped cool me and Vodka down.

While at the beach we decided to stop get off and enjoy the view. We ate, drank, and just relaxed for a bit. Jorge told us a few stories, took a couple of pictures for us, but then quickly got us back on our horses and on the trail again. We headed down the coast another 15 minutes until we arrived to where they kept all their ATVs

                           * * * * *

Now don't get me wrong, until now I've been having a great time. Horse back riding was very cool. It was actually really relaxing, well other then when Vodka would start randomly galloping of course. (Yeah! He did that!) But the moment I was really looking had finally arrived. The All Terrain Vehicle portion of our tour. 

ATVing was a blast! But it didn't quite start exactly how I had planned. When we arrived they gave myself, my mom, and my cousin each a 1 seater ATV. These ATVS were manual, meaning you need to know how to shift gears just like you do on a motor bike. Unfortunately my mother did not feel comfortable enough to ride. They told us that if we traded in two of our one seaters they would give us 1 two seater
which are automatic.  I was pretty disappointed as I really wanted to go myself, but the look on my mothers face told me she clearly felt like she was letting me down. She said she would just sit out this bar, but there was no way I was going to let that happen. So I sucked it up and took the two seater with enthusiasm. And honestly, it was soooo much better! This thing was much faster and could really take a beating, which I proceeded to give it by ripping up and down dunes with way too much speed. Ironically I think that by the end of the trip my mom was wishing she would of just skipped out on the ATV after all.

                         * * * * *

By the end of the trip we were exhausted, 5 hours out in the sun really takes it out on you. Our plans for the evening were to go back to the hotel, get cleaned up and head out into town for one last night of shenanigans. We got into San Jose by around 7pm and walked around the streets for about an hour just taking in the city. We finally spotted a restaurant that peeked our interest called La Oisteria. This place was cool, nice, small, but with an open roof and live music. Let the drinking begin! Or so we thought.

After three shared appetizers and an entree each and we were bagged. The three of us managed to stay and watch the band for a set or two, but by 10pm we could barely keep our heads up let alone our eyes open. We kept chugging back these amazing caffinated drinks but to no avail. We decided that maybe it be best if we just head home, get a good nights sleep and not be total disasters for our flight tomorrow.

By the time we got back to the hotel it was round 1030, and we were treated to most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. It felt more like the sun was setting on our trip and not the day (yea yea corny I know!!). But truly it was gorgeous! I reflected on the 10 days I had just spent. Yes, the trip itself couldn't of been scheduled at a worst time for me, with school and all. But in those 10 days I was able to reconnect with my family that live across the ocean in Spain. But also with my family that live here in town with me. Family that I know I take for granted. This trip was exactly what I needed. Exactly what my family needed. And ill treasure the time spent there forever.

Adios Amigos.

-Chippy Chaps

Monday, February 20, 2012


This school still seems amazing.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sleep Talking Man

Hey all,

Been a while since I posted anything, having a little bit of writers block.

But in lue of an awesome two days I've had, I felt the need to just blog a bit.

About three weeks ago some friends of mine and myself went to banff for a night and due to some heavy drinking I lost my keys. Not to worry though right? I have a spare set right? Why yes, yes I do... in my car...

So about a week or two went by with me ignoring my car situation until I had no choice to call a lock smith because my pass port was in my car as well... The company I called told me they could be there in 15 mins and they would charge me 35 and extra depending on how difficult the lock is. Fair enough. The man shows up and in literally less than a minute opens up my car door and charges me 110... Shocked, but in no mood to get into a confrontation and tell him " do you take cash?" "oh your paying cash, well than its cheeper... 100 dollars please" "wow... thank you."

Well got my spare keys, my car, pass port. All good right... Yep, unless you go ahead and lose your car keys three days later...

I did eventually find them nicely tucked underneath a friend of mines couch (no idea). Along with 60 dollars which is amazing. And all of these events unfolded due to one night... one night of drinking and from that one night of drinking one picture was taken that can some up this entire story, and really my life in general...


Haha In other news, In about 19 days I will be off for a week to mexico, so look forward to some sweet blog updates and videos from that... And considering the people who I'll be going with, it just might be my last trip ever...

Other fun fact... For all you comic book lovers Comic Expo will be in Calgary April 27th to the 29th with guests such as the Great Stan Lee, The TNG cast, and James Masters and lots of other actors/artists! so make sure you get your tickets now while you can! Just click the Link.

Anyways! So I recently came across an old gem of a blog that I use to follow religiously. Why? because It's Fucking Hilarious!

Do yourselves a favor and check out this Blog,

Its basically an English couple in which the man has a ridiculous sleeping pattern and says some outrageous stuff in his sleep, the wife records which ones she can and the rest just writes down.

And lately it looks like she's been on a sloth tare so I figured I'd post this video for your enjoyment as well.

George Carlson Update.

"Dear Andrew

This morning somewhere in between when I woke up to go fly fishing and saw that my pet bird has somehow chewed through my rod, and me slipping on a puddle of urine that my cat (who clearly has no respect for me) left on the kitchen floor, I realized something. How or why you find any interest in my life is beyond me. My life is in shambles and I feel like the end is near. Please for the love of God do yourself a favour and stop writing to me and tell the people my story.


hahahaha classic George.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Andrew Chappell and the Seven New Years Resolutions


Hello there. Yes it has been a while since my last post, and I really really do apologize. For my all my (counting my fingers lol) fans out there, I really do feel bad. It's been a rough couple of last months for me, and have just been trying to get my life back in order.

But what better way to do it than with a new year! I can't believe its 2012, and it the spirit of this new year my blog today will be my new years resolutions! So without further a due ( I can sense your anticipation haha) here are my seven new years resolutions of 2012.

7. More and Less of these moments.

More of These moments.

Less of these moments

More of these moments.

(minus the moustache)

Much Less of these moments.

For the love of God don't press play... Just take my word for it

The key word here is to just have fun this year! But all things should come in moderation lol, too much of anything CAN be a bad thing... haha Key word there being "Can". Key word, key word, key word, apparently I like saying Key word a lot. Key word being "apparently". Okay ill stop.

6. Stay Healthy

Since about August I've started trying to eat a little better and be a little more active. But with a bummed out knee with no ACL, all I could do really is just run. But since then I have lost 30
pounds and now have, what I hope to be a solid knee to work with. My recovery on my ACL has been going pretty well, but with being out of work for so long its been hard to afford being able to train myself and with the snow outside and it being still really early after my operation the chances of slipping and hurting myself are to large. But Its a new year, and I just started working again, so hopefully soon ill be able to get out there, and hit the gym and start training and getting back to where I was physically a year and half ago.

5. Keep Dreaming.

Obviously yes, I intend on continuing dreaming, It's the one thing I'm very good at and requires absolutely no effort in my part, other than sharing them with you fine folk. But dreaming in that sense is not what I'm talking about. In my short life so far I have Broken both my wrists, (left one twice) Hyper extended both writs, Torn my calf muscle, bruised my knee, torn my
meniscus, and torn my ACL twice. All these injuries other than one have been because of playing soccer. Soccer is by far my greatest passion in life, I love playing the game, the game is intertwined not only in my culture, but in my life, and in my family. The first thing I think of when soccer comes to mind is my Grandfather, he taught me everything I know about the game and gave me the tools to better myself on and off the field. If given the chance to play professionally I would. Even without pay, I would still do it because I honestly could not imaging a better way of spending a good portion of my life. But the reality of the fact is I am one strike away from potentially never being able to play again. I'm not saying I'm a Messi by a long shot ( I won't be wining any world cups any time soon haha). But what I mean is that I am one strike away from potentially being unable to play at the level that I know I am capable of, I know my limitations, and to think that one more injury could extinguish any chance of playing in a competitive level again is very scary to me. But it is a reality I have to face, and am facing right now. But even if the face of the reality, I dare to dream that one I will play again, I don't care if it takes me half a year, a year or two. I will get one more goal. That's not a resolution, its a promise.

4. Be Motivated

One thing I think I've been laking a lot of, not only this last year but my entire life is my motivation. Without self confidence its hard to find the right kind of motivation. These two things go hand in and hand with each other, and without one the other can't be fully realized. One thing I tend to do is look to others for motivation, and while the motivation I received from a person I met last year was refreshing and amazing for me, it can only take me so far and can be quickly taken away. My self and only my self and responsible for my future and what I can achieve. If I want to play soccer again, I have to believe in myself. If i want to go back to school and excel than I have to know, not think, but know I can do it. Motivate myself from within not from with out.

3. Be self confident

Number four and three on my list kind of go hand in hand, and was pretty hard to try and figure out witch out would be hire, so let me try and explain. I am one of those people who wears there heart on their sleeve. I personally don't think that is a bad thing, and don't plan on changing it. Because when do I chose to open myself up to a person It's great, its greater than great. But when I get hurt, I get really hurt. So what I do want to change is to be little smarter, more mindful of the situations I get myself in. That leads me to where self confidence comes in. To be able to distinguish situations that you should and shouldn't get yourself in to, you need to be self confident and appreciate yourself. It doesn't matter how amazing of a person you think someone is, If that someone want's to be with you, then they need to be with you, no one else. I knew that before, but because I wasn't confident in myself I chose to ignore it and got hurt. But thats life, and now I have to deal with the consequences, how they deal with it is completely up to them, ignore the situation or not. Of course I will most likely get hurt again in the future, self confidence wont change that, but what it does change is the ability to learn and adapt.

2. My family

I got to see a lot of people I don't normally get to see this christmas, but unfortunately I saw a lot less of people that I do and should see. My family life is a little complicated, but nothing bad at all. If anything I make it harder on myself. So number two of my seven new years resolutions this year is to be a better friend and better family member. Because with out all of you, I am nothing.

Happy New Years!

1. Be Myself

One of the worst things a person can do is lose themselves. Sometimes it happens when you don't even notice, sometimes we do it on purpose. The things I've chosen as my seven new years resolutions I've picked because I think they best represent who I am, and what I want to be. I just want to be myself,

I Bartend
I play Soccer
I play video games
I watch people play video games
I read comics
I watch Movies
I love my friends
I love my Family
I love my Dog

My Name is Chappell

Have a Fucking Great 2012


Monday, November 21, 2011

The Good, The Bad, And the Chappell

Hey everyone,

Well it's now been 21 days since my operation, and my time off has been met with some good and bad times, Just thought I'd share some of those from the weekend.

The Good:
I took some time to go over to my dads place this weekend to hangout with my younger brother and play some video games with him. We chatted and munched and bonded. everything I could hope for in a visit with a sibling. It was a lot of fun.

The Bad:
What I learned that day was how bad I suck and video games now. Unless the title of the video game ends with "64" I really have a small to no chance of beating anyone at anything. Which my brother kindly reminded me plenty of times :) We ended up played some Mario Kart Wii where I really let myself down... P.S I also learned that the track called "Rainbow Road" should actually really be called the "Rainbow Rape Way" I still hurt. lol

The Good:
I had my first follow up since my operation with my Doctor today. He ended up giving my knee a clean bill of health!

The Bad:
before he gave my knee a clean bill, he actually told me he was worried that h the screw placed in my tibia might have actually blown right through the bone...which would of resulted in another surgery! I had to wait an hour for my x-ray results to come back. At which time the only clean thing I was wishing for other than my a clean bill knee was a clean pair of shorts.

The Good:
Got the scrabble app for my Iphone yesterday.

The Bad:
Misspelled the word rinse in front of an old lady, which ended up in an hour long conversation about the deteriorating state of young people in the wold today... Good talk...

The Good:
My Movember Moustache is coming in real nicely!

The Bad:
My Movember Moustache is coming in... real nicely...

The Good:
I have two awesome friends who gave me an early surprise present for my birthday with an awesome painting!

The Bad:
I just had to show you all that old picture haha *facepalm* Awesome Gift!

All Jokes a side though what I'm trying to get to with my blog this week is that though the weekend was actually actually really good, and sadly pretty bad. It did feel a little more like a normal weekend for me. I got to get out of the house and had a chance to go back to my work and say hi to everyone which I miss. The only thing that really freaked me out is that I've noticed that when it comes to the "good and bad" I realized that the better I feel, the more my heart actually breaks. I've had times where I knew that getting over someone was what I needed to do. But it was something I strived for because I didn't want to hurt anymore. The difference this time being that I don't actually want to get over it (in a way), I know by all rights I really should. But at the end of the day when I start to better I feel , I get upset about because It means its all a step closer to being just a memory. I don't want it to be a just a memory, I specially don't want her to be just a memory. What do you do when the hurt of moving on is worse than the hurt your feeling because your just sad? The reason for this is because I'm not mad at her for breaking my heart... I don't blame her at all for the decision she made. But what makes me mad is that I feel like for right now, I'm on a one way road. A road which I'm desperately looking for an exit for because I don't like where its taking me.. having to shed all these feelings.

Well This is definitely a new one for me, and well that was my truth bomb for the week, sorry if it got a little deep but hey... Shut up lol :) I'll definitely try and end the next one on a high note! But as always Thanks for reading all! Talk to you soon!

Chaps -

P.S Been Listening to Yeah Yeah Yeah alot lately, heres their acoustic version of their song Hysteric.

Take Care.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Lest we Forget

Lets take a minute to remember all those that gave their service and lives for our freedom. Your sacrifice wont ever go forgotten. Thank you!

They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

Lest we Forget

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Yellow Shirt


hey all, It's been about 11 days now since the operation, and I've been in bed all day 9 and 1/2 times out of 11 of them. While my knee recovery is going great (actually better than great, Its going ridiculously fast and am really thankful). I've had a really shitty past couple of weeks in other areas. So shitty that honestly I didn't think I was going to be able to write on this blog again... My last blog that I wrote, I wrote out of a feeling and being somewhere I care not to go to again. Call me Jaded but I feel worn out, exhausted, angry, but worst of all hopeless, having to give up on certain feelings is horrible, and it seems like it just keeps happening to me. It's not an easy funk to get out of, and like I said, its affected me in a not very positive way. To the point where I was ready to jump on here and let you all know that I was done, plain and simple. Lying in bed and literally having all day to over think things isn't fun, specially when what your thinking about hurts you. It plays games with you head and makes you feel worse than you probably should. Luckily as I had mentioned my recovery is going great, so great that wednesday I was actually able to get out of the house for the first time. It was like breathing for the first time in a long time, and well it leads me to the topic of my blog today. The Yellow shirt.

I'd say about 5 years ago, I bought this Yellow shirt from a shop downtown. It was a little to baggy, and little to big but It was the comfiest shirt I could remember ever having. About 2 and half years ago, a bunch of my friends from work and I went to the annual Strathmore Stampede to do the running of the bulls, It was kind of a way to celebrate one of the last times we would ever have to hang out together as the summer was ending and a bunch of us were going our own way. And if you don't believe that I actually ran with the bulls, well here you go
This was me barely dodging out of the way of a huge bull. This was right after my buddy Scotty had gotten levelled by the same bull and his friend, They were named Dumb and Dumber, and they had just singled us out on the other side of the corral. As they were running towards us we knew one of us was going to get pummelled, luckily I was just a little faster then Scotty. Fortunately for him the judges decided he got hit so badly that they awarded him with the 1000 dollar prize of the evening. Just like they did every night, the only difference was when Scotty got up to address the crowd as the winner, unlike the man who had won the night before and who felt it was okay to tell everyone including the children that he was going to spend the money on booze, drugs and sex ( haha ) Scotty was very respectful. And very much concussed haha.

Anyways I digress, the weekend we spent in Strathmore ended up being a success, we won 1000 dollars, survived a freak thunderstorm. But most of all, it just was an awesome time spent with
each other. But a few days later after I had gotten back home that realized my favourite yellow shirt was missing. I looked high and low for that shirt, my moms house, my house, grandmas house, everyones car, but no luck. To this day every once in a while I hop on eBay or any other online clothing store that might have it. I still go to the same store where I originally got it and hope every time that I go in that it might be hanging there on the wall. Well as I said earlier few days ago, I was finally able to get out of the house for the first time since my operation. It was an awesome day, I met up with a buddy for lunch, and afterwards headed for the comic book store to pick up some comics. I then decided to pop by my work real quickly to say hi to a few friends, and then feeling a little home sick I decided to go to my home and see if anyone of my room mates were in. Now when I got there I was completely alone, so naturally I went straight to my room and jumped on my bed which I miss so so so much. It was then when I noticed a suit case on my couch, and remembered that I had told my friend Paul who was visiting from Victoria that he could stay in my room. I got back up and found myself in front of my desk where I found a note which said " Dear andrew, a mutual friend of ours "Scott" is moving and giving away a bunch of clothing, I saw this shirt and took it thinking of you. Scott then said " oh yea I think thats Chappell's"." I lifted the piece of paper and to my surprise laying there, nicely folded in all of its glory was my yellow shirt...
Two and half years later an there it was, I couldn't believe it!! Now I'm not one to usually become attached to something material specially clothing but after I found the shirt I started looking through some old pictures where I was actually wearing the shirt and began realizing that some of these pictures held some really good times in them. This shirt was around when I was meeting and making the friends I have today,
the same friends who are helping me get through the stuff I'm dealing with now. I remember this first time I ever had my heart broken, and running off to Victoria for the weekend with my two best friends. It was probably one of the funnest weekends I had ever had. I just remember feeling that things might just be okay. But I also remember the drunken mess we got our selves into that weekend haha.

Some things I don't Remember...

Some things I'd rather not haha

I know I'm really stretching here, I mean Im just finishing up writing a blog about a shirt... And yea at the end of the day it is just a shirt, I got along fine without it and will get along fine with it I guess lol. But the real message Im trying to pull out of my ass here is the same message that's on the shirt.

"I can't wait for the future"

Cheesy? Yes. Corny? Hell yes! But true none the less. This is the same shirt that Im wearing in the picture I chose as my banner for my blog, the same blog that I was ready to give up on because of how I'm feeling. If I lost this shirt again tomorrow, I'd honestly be okay, I'm just glad that something nice happened, something to remind me that it's not all bad, even though thats how it may seem. Do I still feel exhausted? Angry? worn out? Yea I really do lol, that might not change for a while, but hopeless? Not so much anymore :) Thanks for reading all. Talk to you soon!


I really wasn't lying when I said not much had happened since my last update, I think its all clear to you that I am an emotional wreck right now as I just wrote a blog about a shirt haha. So what I've decided to do to help is to grow my movember moustache, which I do believe is coming in quite nicely. This is the first year I've actually tried growing a moustache. Now its not the thickest but I think were it lacks in fullness, it more than makes up for it in sheer perviness.

(11 days)
