The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Testing testing... okay i think were good.

I dont know why i am doing this (starting a blog that is), I rarely have anything to say. I am struggling as we speak, no that doesn't sound right, let me start over. I dont know why i am doing this (starting a blog that is). But never the less this is what i am doing and damnit im going to do it.

Its 3:27 (stating time - first sign of me not knowing what to write) 3:28 AM. I am very sleepy but for some reason i can't sleep or lay still for that matter. I think thats why I am here.
ANYWAYS, there are a few things i want to get out of the way before we dive into the world that is Andrew Chappell
1. I have horrible grammar ( something you must have noticed by now), i write as i go, and I dont think im to bright so if your in the mood for a well written piece of blah, perhaps my blah is not what you should be reading.
2. I love spell check ( just helped me correct the words Grammar and reading).
3. I am not writing a blog so that i can reveal the horror that is my life or the magnificence that is my life, but to just express myself. I am Andrew Chappell, normal 21 year old Male of planet earth, with the same exciting life as George Carlson who lives in wyoming. I just want to get it out, vent and open up. So if you want to read along then by all means please do.

Now then, i think everything is set up (not really) lets start.
im going to sleep, very tired.

p.s. we shall talk soon.