The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Monday, February 20, 2012


This school still seems amazing.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sleep Talking Man

Hey all,

Been a while since I posted anything, having a little bit of writers block.

But in lue of an awesome two days I've had, I felt the need to just blog a bit.

About three weeks ago some friends of mine and myself went to banff for a night and due to some heavy drinking I lost my keys. Not to worry though right? I have a spare set right? Why yes, yes I do... in my car...

So about a week or two went by with me ignoring my car situation until I had no choice to call a lock smith because my pass port was in my car as well... The company I called told me they could be there in 15 mins and they would charge me 35 and extra depending on how difficult the lock is. Fair enough. The man shows up and in literally less than a minute opens up my car door and charges me 110... Shocked, but in no mood to get into a confrontation and tell him " do you take cash?" "oh your paying cash, well than its cheeper... 100 dollars please" "wow... thank you."

Well got my spare keys, my car, pass port. All good right... Yep, unless you go ahead and lose your car keys three days later...

I did eventually find them nicely tucked underneath a friend of mines couch (no idea). Along with 60 dollars which is amazing. And all of these events unfolded due to one night... one night of drinking and from that one night of drinking one picture was taken that can some up this entire story, and really my life in general...


Haha In other news, In about 19 days I will be off for a week to mexico, so look forward to some sweet blog updates and videos from that... And considering the people who I'll be going with, it just might be my last trip ever...

Other fun fact... For all you comic book lovers Comic Expo will be in Calgary April 27th to the 29th with guests such as the Great Stan Lee, The TNG cast, and James Masters and lots of other actors/artists! so make sure you get your tickets now while you can! Just click the Link.

Anyways! So I recently came across an old gem of a blog that I use to follow religiously. Why? because It's Fucking Hilarious!

Do yourselves a favor and check out this Blog,

Its basically an English couple in which the man has a ridiculous sleeping pattern and says some outrageous stuff in his sleep, the wife records which ones she can and the rest just writes down.

And lately it looks like she's been on a sloth tare so I figured I'd post this video for your enjoyment as well.

George Carlson Update.

"Dear Andrew

This morning somewhere in between when I woke up to go fly fishing and saw that my pet bird has somehow chewed through my rod, and me slipping on a puddle of urine that my cat (who clearly has no respect for me) left on the kitchen floor, I realized something. How or why you find any interest in my life is beyond me. My life is in shambles and I feel like the end is near. Please for the love of God do yourself a favour and stop writing to me and tell the people my story.


hahahaha classic George.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Andrew Chappell and the Seven New Years Resolutions


Hello there. Yes it has been a while since my last post, and I really really do apologize. For my all my (counting my fingers lol) fans out there, I really do feel bad. It's been a rough couple of last months for me, and have just been trying to get my life back in order.

But what better way to do it than with a new year! I can't believe its 2012, and it the spirit of this new year my blog today will be my new years resolutions! So without further a due ( I can sense your anticipation haha) here are my seven new years resolutions of 2012.

7. More and Less of these moments.

More of These moments.

Less of these moments

More of these moments.

(minus the moustache)

Much Less of these moments.

For the love of God don't press play... Just take my word for it

The key word here is to just have fun this year! But all things should come in moderation lol, too much of anything CAN be a bad thing... haha Key word there being "Can". Key word, key word, key word, apparently I like saying Key word a lot. Key word being "apparently". Okay ill stop.

6. Stay Healthy

Since about August I've started trying to eat a little better and be a little more active. But with a bummed out knee with no ACL, all I could do really is just run. But since then I have lost 30
pounds and now have, what I hope to be a solid knee to work with. My recovery on my ACL has been going pretty well, but with being out of work for so long its been hard to afford being able to train myself and with the snow outside and it being still really early after my operation the chances of slipping and hurting myself are to large. But Its a new year, and I just started working again, so hopefully soon ill be able to get out there, and hit the gym and start training and getting back to where I was physically a year and half ago.

5. Keep Dreaming.

Obviously yes, I intend on continuing dreaming, It's the one thing I'm very good at and requires absolutely no effort in my part, other than sharing them with you fine folk. But dreaming in that sense is not what I'm talking about. In my short life so far I have Broken both my wrists, (left one twice) Hyper extended both writs, Torn my calf muscle, bruised my knee, torn my
meniscus, and torn my ACL twice. All these injuries other than one have been because of playing soccer. Soccer is by far my greatest passion in life, I love playing the game, the game is intertwined not only in my culture, but in my life, and in my family. The first thing I think of when soccer comes to mind is my Grandfather, he taught me everything I know about the game and gave me the tools to better myself on and off the field. If given the chance to play professionally I would. Even without pay, I would still do it because I honestly could not imaging a better way of spending a good portion of my life. But the reality of the fact is I am one strike away from potentially never being able to play again. I'm not saying I'm a Messi by a long shot ( I won't be wining any world cups any time soon haha). But what I mean is that I am one strike away from potentially being unable to play at the level that I know I am capable of, I know my limitations, and to think that one more injury could extinguish any chance of playing in a competitive level again is very scary to me. But it is a reality I have to face, and am facing right now. But even if the face of the reality, I dare to dream that one I will play again, I don't care if it takes me half a year, a year or two. I will get one more goal. That's not a resolution, its a promise.

4. Be Motivated

One thing I think I've been laking a lot of, not only this last year but my entire life is my motivation. Without self confidence its hard to find the right kind of motivation. These two things go hand in and hand with each other, and without one the other can't be fully realized. One thing I tend to do is look to others for motivation, and while the motivation I received from a person I met last year was refreshing and amazing for me, it can only take me so far and can be quickly taken away. My self and only my self and responsible for my future and what I can achieve. If I want to play soccer again, I have to believe in myself. If i want to go back to school and excel than I have to know, not think, but know I can do it. Motivate myself from within not from with out.

3. Be self confident

Number four and three on my list kind of go hand in hand, and was pretty hard to try and figure out witch out would be hire, so let me try and explain. I am one of those people who wears there heart on their sleeve. I personally don't think that is a bad thing, and don't plan on changing it. Because when do I chose to open myself up to a person It's great, its greater than great. But when I get hurt, I get really hurt. So what I do want to change is to be little smarter, more mindful of the situations I get myself in. That leads me to where self confidence comes in. To be able to distinguish situations that you should and shouldn't get yourself in to, you need to be self confident and appreciate yourself. It doesn't matter how amazing of a person you think someone is, If that someone want's to be with you, then they need to be with you, no one else. I knew that before, but because I wasn't confident in myself I chose to ignore it and got hurt. But thats life, and now I have to deal with the consequences, how they deal with it is completely up to them, ignore the situation or not. Of course I will most likely get hurt again in the future, self confidence wont change that, but what it does change is the ability to learn and adapt.

2. My family

I got to see a lot of people I don't normally get to see this christmas, but unfortunately I saw a lot less of people that I do and should see. My family life is a little complicated, but nothing bad at all. If anything I make it harder on myself. So number two of my seven new years resolutions this year is to be a better friend and better family member. Because with out all of you, I am nothing.

Happy New Years!

1. Be Myself

One of the worst things a person can do is lose themselves. Sometimes it happens when you don't even notice, sometimes we do it on purpose. The things I've chosen as my seven new years resolutions I've picked because I think they best represent who I am, and what I want to be. I just want to be myself,

I Bartend
I play Soccer
I play video games
I watch people play video games
I read comics
I watch Movies
I love my friends
I love my Family
I love my Dog

My Name is Chappell

Have a Fucking Great 2012
