The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 1 of recover

Well as many of you are probably wondering,
the title of this blog is referring to the recovery of my knee. Yesterday at 11:05am i had the first of two operations on my knee to repair my torn ACL.

It was actually a pretty exciting day i woke up at 645am by the sound of my grandma banging on my room. WOW flashback, its been almost 4 years now that i've moved out of the house and being back in my old room and having her wake me up like that was insane. A blast from the past if you will.
But as the present time caught up with me i realized it was time for the hospital.
By 815am i was wearing my gowned and flashing that derriere extraordinaire of mine (click on link below to see).
My two nurses for the morning were Lynn and Laurel, who were complete opposites!
lynn who was so nice and comforting but unfortunately had no idea what she was doing, as she proved to me by how she got the iv in my arm. Dear lord, pick and vain a stick with it!
And then there was Laurel, cold, mean, yet wow was she ever on her game, knew exactly what i needed it and when and was always there. I can see why these two were paired up, together they make a sort of SUPER nurse. (copywrite) lol.

To tell you the truth though, laurel eventually warmed up to me. I don't know if was my charm or this chiselled body of mine, or if it was a lack of charm, and my lovely boy lumps. Maybe she felt bad for me. I sure hope not.

next came what was probably the most interesting and most exciting part of the day. AND NO, it is not my operation. The room i had was being shared with another patient, whose name was Tanner, a six foot 3 asian dude who from what i could tell was not presently enjoying his life. It seemed as though hes already had a few operations on his foot before and was just not having any fun anymore. Once he left for the OR, Laurel came to me and filled me in on the fact that he had an ex girlfriend of native decent who apparently has been stocking him. She apparently has been stealing his clothes from his visiting room, breaking into his house while he isn't there!
As Laurel continued to story she concluded with asking a favour of me.

laurel was going to put a sign on the door that said "no visitors please go to main desk" in hopes that this would deter the girlfriend if she chose to try and steal anything. But if she did show up and did come in the room i was to call the nurses.

keep in mind that this sign was just a precaution, no one actually expecting her to show up.

But show up she did. I couldn't believe that it was actually happening. She walked in wearing jeans and a purple plead shirt and big poofy black jacket. she came in and i welcomed her and asked if she was looking for Tanner, she said yes and said she was his girlfriend and that she was picking up some stuff for him. I replied by pointing her to the closet (which i had no idea if his stuff was in there or not) and i even asked her for the time due to the fact that our room clock had no batteries.

She finally found the back with all of Tanners belonging and as she started to make her way out of the room she was greeted by three nurses. HOLY CRAP you should of seen the look on this girls face when she looked and me and saw the beeper for the nurses in my hand! i had been spamming the button the entire time. I honestly think of those nurses weren't there she would of attacked me haha. And considering i couldn't barely use my left arm cause of Nurse Lynn's stellar iv job, i think i would of had my work cut out for me.

With all the excitement and the girlfriend gone, i didn't even realize that it was 10:45am and that i was due downstairs at the or prep room. All of a sudden my heart started racing as i got more and more nervouse.

Now i dont know if you have ever been in an OR room but basically its a giant room with a bunch of crazy looking contraptions that i have never seen before. the bed that you lay on has two arms shooting out of his which they strap your arms to. I honestly felt like was being layed on a cross and was about to be crucified. With 3 doctors and 2 nurses in the room i was feeling overwhelmed and i said " wow guys i am getting pretty nervous" and well what happened next i could only explain with dialogue.

anesthesiologist-"dont worry buddy this will help that" as he connected my iv to some sort of drug
the room started to get fuzzy and i could barely keep my eyes open, i decided to share my thoughts
-"hey guys, hey hey guys, i can hear everything your saying but i can't keep my eyes open"
Doctor- "well you don't want your eyes open so just let them close"
-"no no dont worry, i can do it. I got this!"
as soon as i said this i could feel the pressure on the gas masked that they had just placed over my mouth double, clearly i was rambling. But in the back of my mind i was assuring myself that i was acting cool and that they probably thought so aswell.

3 hours later i wake up and im in a bed recovering. 4 hours after that i get sent off home to where i slept for 10 hours and woke up to reach myself here and now writing this extremely long blog.
I have 23 days off from here on out and ill most likely be writing some more. Hopefully.
I hope this has entertained you slightly.

p.s. George Carlson called my this morning, and wished my the best in my recovery. He is also recovering due to a horrible fly fishing accident... Apparently he got hit by a car.

p.s.s. if you are still looking for that link of my extraordinary behind it was never posted...

how dare you

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