The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dream Dream Dream

Okay, this a pretty quick post im gonna make.

Basically I just want to write down about a dream I had before I forget it, which i quickly am.

It started with myself being in my old elementary school with all my friends from junior high, and there was a line up of kids being leading its way into the gym. One by one the next kid would be called in. As i looked back and forth through out the line I realized it was alphabetical. But time went buy and i guess i didn't notice that the C's (chappell) have already been called and that we were on F.

One my old friends Francis was there and told me to just walk in with him. I don't know why francis was in the hall way with me due to the fact that his last name started with a B. But it was one of those things you don't really care to think about. And I'd like to point out that at this time I was feeling extremely angry at the fact that my name had not been called out. Anyways.

As I walked in the gym, and old teacher of mine (MMe Sien) from elementary didn't waist any time in calling me out and telling me that only one student at a time was aloud in. I furiously walked over to her and grabbed her call out list and looked for my name on it. Only to find that my name was not in the list. I looked at her and said "well it would help if my name were on the God damned list!" and stormed off outside.

Now the best way to describe this next part is a little tricky. I'm not going to waste my time and try to describe what the exterior of my elementary school looked like so just try and imagine yours. Imagine you're walking around your elementary school just right around the fences. (the perimeter).

Imagine its dusk and the sky is an extremely dark blue that is still clinging to the little bit of sunlight thats being covered by dark ominous clouds. Im walking and extremely upset, Im looking up at the night sky.

(here is the crazy part. Remember the part in Aladdin when the genie is taken over by Jafar and how extremely evil he looked as he was moving the Palace? Okay. Do you remember what Mr Manhattan looked like in the Watchmen movie, or however it is you pictured him in real life if you read the Novel? Well Combine those two characters and picture them as real as you possibly can.)

This Giant Blue omniscient man just filling half the night sky, only his body from the waist up is visible to me. His face appears numb, showing no sentiment and offering no indication of things... Except for me. His cold white eyes were just fixed right at me. As if piercing into me somehow. As he kept glaring at me, I continued to walk slowly. It's strange, even though I was completely terrified, I acted as though I couldn't care less. And then just as fast as a bolt of lighting, a revelation hits me. The Entity and I still locked in on one anothe. Its almost as if he discovered this revelation by only looking at me.

I realized that my name is not Andrew Chappell, and that all the friends in my life are all replacements. I learned that when I was younger I went missing and when they found me only a few days later I had aged several years. So they wiped my memory of old friends that I had. The Blue Man showed me glimpses of my old friends and my past, and I remembered them as clearly as I remember yesterday. I was still so young and innocent playing outside with these kids. As the images continued running through my brain, a saddnes built inside of me until I burst out into tears and begged to be sent back in time. But in the back of my head I could hear a voice telling me that it could never be. The glimpses ended and the night sky was now completely black and filled with stars yet it was also heavily raining. The Blue God remained over head, his eyes Still fixed upon me, pitying me for some unknown reason. He continued to stare at me. Then for what seamed like a fraction of a second, his cold gaze showed the slightest hint of sadness and sympathy. And before I could even register the thought, it was gone. And I woke up.

Woah woah we woah, this dream really had me thinking! The kids from past who use to be my friends are actually kids I have no memory of. Just figments of my imagination. But the feelings were real, and while I was dreaming I was convinced I Knew them. Sheesh this is up there with some of my favourite dreams! If you all dont know, i'm a pretty big dream guy. I love that stuff, i don't really analyze them, i just love experiencing them and telling them. I've had some pretty vivid and amazing dreams before that really hit the core of me. I wake up sad, happy, crying, scared. The range of emotions is ridiculous!
But for some reason I never right them down, and if i try, im usually to late and have forgoten most of it. But not this one. I dreamt this bad boy last night and it stuck in my head good. It really creeped me out. The face of this God or Giant or whatever it was wow ive never been so scared of something yet amazed at the same time.
ANyways! I hope you enjoyed me dream!

p.s I guess this wasn't as quick of a blog as I thought it would be.

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