The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

You're never alone.

Well, once again its been much to long since I've found the time to write on here.

Sorry... Not to my surprise the very first sentence I find myself writing is a total lie... I've had plenty of time to write on here, the truth is I just haven't wanted to. I don't know why, maybe its because I haven't had anything exciting to write about? No, not thats not it. Plenty has happened since I've recovered from the first part of my knee rehabilitation. Is it because I can't find anything to vent about? Believe me, by the time you're done reading this you'll find that to be a ridiculous question to ask.

I feel as though I've come back because something of significance in my life has occurred, a lot actually. It's new, wonderful and so scary, all at the same time.

Let me just start by saying that I have great friends, that's no understatement. I have the pleasure of living in a house with 5 other people, two of which have been here since the beginning with me, almost four years now. I've seen 5 others come and go and there has never been a moment with either of those people where I haven't felt grateful to have spent that time with them. Outside of my house I have met plenty of amazing people through them, and through them come to appreciate meeting everyone I have. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm still and always will be a man of few words.

Out of everyone who I've met and of those who has taken the time to get to know me, I hope they understand that they can confide in me. Know that I will try and help them out how ever I can. Yes I do get a little awkward around people who are crying and who are hurt, but its only because in my head Im only struggling to find those perfect words for them, true and simple words. I find a comfort in simply sitting their and listening to what they have to say. Whether its someone who is talking about a guilty pleasure such as a TV show they love to watch, or someone who has had a bad week and just wants to cuss and yell to get everything out. I've always believed people deserve to be listened too.

Of all the people I've met, I only know a handful of them who would willfully sit their and listen to what I have to say, I hope they know who they are and understand that I know If ever I receive no reply from them, I know it's not because they have nothing to say, its because they have everything to say, but just can't find those right words. In a way while I write this, for all of you to see and read, I know plenty of you could really care less, many of you might laugh or sigh and skip to the next page. But some of you might feel the same I do, or just simply understand what I'm trying to get at. Knowing that you are out their makes me feel so much better, because you are asking yourself when is the last time you have truly felt as though your are being listened to, not heard but listened to. That feeling of undivided attention when you truly need it. And maybe while reading this you find some comfort of your own.

I don't want to sound as though I'm an attention seeking maniac, which I feel as thought this might be how I'm coming across. (I really am not :) ) I just want people to understand that if and when the time comes that you need someone to listen to, will I find you? Will you find me? Or someone? Anyone? How many of us can keep listening to the same CD, watch the same movie or read the same book over and over for comfort before we just break down? I may not understand what you are going through, or you me, but at the end of the day to be listened to is what we all want. I hope you all know you aren't alone, ever.

Okay okay, not my normal type of blog, I understand that, but sometimes a person just needs to get things out, and let them be known. I hope you can all understand that, and Hopefully my other blogs will be a little on the lighter side. Ha! we'll see.

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