The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Once a Dream always a Dream

O hay everyone. How are you all doing? well this is going to be a dream blog, No updates on this one, because I just woke up and don't want to lose this dream. And I was sleeping for about 10 hours so its going to be a LONG one. But a good one I promise so ENJOY!

It all started with a friendly game of starcraft. It was myself against my friend Stevie ray, I was Protoss and he was Terran. Now I can't really remember much about the game other then the fact that we had base traded and that the map that we were playing actually consisted of two different maps for some weird reason. So we actually had to play with two screens each. I had taken control of the Top map and he the bottom. This went on for only a few minutes because we were both interrupted by a mutual friend of ours chris duke.

We both left our computers and met up in the living room (of my grandma's house for some reason) to find chris sitting there waiting for us. For some strange reason the topic of fencing came up and I shared the fact that I use to be okay at fencing when I was younger. In disbelief of my story the three of searched the house high and low for swords and wouldn't you know it, we found two! Yes two not three, we gave Stevie a dagger and a axe pick (he looked pretty bad ass). So the three of us make our way to the alley outside (its a beautiful summers day), and we start duelling each other. That is until some stupid couple looking out of a window told us that the cops were going to be here in 15 minutes. To which my reply was "What!? guys can't fence in their own back alley's anymore?" followed by a series of weird dumb down noises. If you were thinking to yourself, well that was stupid. well I agree, and even myself in my dream, (as he was walking away) was thinking to himself how he sounds extremely stupid.


Well our walk became more of a trek, and we slowly made our way out of the back alley. By this time the day had become night and we were looking for something to do. Fortunately for us right in between two sub-urban houses there was an evil looking cave entrance that once we entered appeared to be some sort of technological lab with a bunch of little different coloured minions. Easy pray for us and our fencing swords, and Stevie with his dagger and axe pick. As we rush down the metal stairs evading traps and slicing many minions in two, we found ourselves overwhelmed by these weird tele tubby looking creatures. Then unfortunately I got separated from my friends and started getting extremely scared. I start running back up the stairs towards the entrance and I realize that some black shadowy creature was chasing me. I stoped running and looked back but saw nothing, only my reflection of the metal wall. As I reached the surface, I looked across the street and realize that there was another cave almost identical the one I had just exited. I ran across the street and into the cave, only to find that this one was completely different. Instead of being technological in theme, this one was very organic as if someone had been manipulated the earth. I made my way down the dirt steps, then stoped to take a peak lower down. I saw my friends tied down to these chairs and looking at me for help.

As in all dreams, you almost never really have any conscious control of how and why things happen. At this point in my dream Chris and Stevie are no more, I don't even know if i'm myself. My new friends consisted of three people, A large black guy, A blond girl and a white guy. I don't know there names only that the four of us are covered in black and red metal/leather armour with spikes and awesome hairdew's and look AMAZINGLY bad ass.

Continuing on.

I saw my friends tied and up, they looked back up with fear in there eyes. But yet in my head I couldn't shake the feeling that this was all a trap, and that these weren't my actual friends. I rushed down to the lower floor where they were being held, only to reveal more of the room to myself. Across from where my friends were, 4 dark banshee like demon's with a pale white skin and dirty black hair were sitting on some sofas. they were all staring at me with they're glowing red eyes yet they did nothing. I slowly approached them only to find that they were in some sort of a trance. They had these strange markings all over their bodies, four of the three were women and their markings weren't that bad, a few on the neck and forehead. I somehow new I was able to heal them by applying a type of vulcan mind meld grip on them. And as I did this their markings slowly faded and they looked human again. But when I got the the fourth and last one (the male) I griped his body and he snapped out of it and started yelling at me.
"you tried this once before!" he yelled, but I ignored him.
"you can't possibly stop this" he yelled again. Yet I ignored him still.
slowly but surely all of his markings, which were much more severe then the rest and were all over his body, disappeared. But instead of reverting to a human, his hair turned bright green and his skin a light purple. He was an elf, and he looked at me right before he passed out and fell to the ground. His Body instantly created a type of mummification for him, almost like bandages.

I released my friends from their captivity and we all raced to the top were the entrance was. As we all stood there taking in breaths of relief. Two of those dark shadowy creatures that were following me early arrived. One was tall and was riding a giant black dragon, the other was short and hovering a foot off the ground. As the Taller dark rider attacked we noticed the other one run. We assumed he was going for reinforcements so we decided to split up in two's and take on our adversaries respectively. As myself and the blond girl ( no names yet ) approached the dark figure we realized his armour was to thick for us to do any sort of damage. So in a type of game'esk moment we were able to switch from a leather type of wearing character to a heavy plated character. (wierd i know) As we rushed towards him I transformed into the wrong type of character and became a ranger/rogue. Fortunately I seemed very comfortable in this role because I kicked some serious ass. With daggers in both hands and metal spikes protruding from my feet in a type of X-23 way (marvel character) we were able to kill the dark fighter and reunite with our two other friends.

As we all calmed down we decided to keep walking the streets, but the further we got the more we realized that wild life had taken over. The suburban landscape had transformed into a jungle type of world. As we cut our way through the bush. We ended up in a futuristic neighbourhood park. It was no longer night time but a beautiful day, we all ended up on lawn chairs just taking in the sun. Our armour was gone leaving us four in just regular/futuristic clothes. Suddenly everything started rumbling, a loud noise filled the air, we all looked up into the sky to see a giant ball of flame hurdling towards us. Just when you thought it was about to hit, the object pulled a 90 degree turn and headed off into the horizon. We all stood there motionless wondering what the fuck had just happened. But it didn't take long for us to forget, it was almost as though this oasis type of park that we had found was almost like a prison, all we wanted to do was relax, there was no desire for anything else.
Suddenly the rumbles returned but this time as we looked up into the sky we saw a white truck with a hitch on the back which looked to be carrying dogs. The truck landed in the middle of the park and via intercom told everyone to bring there illegal dogs to him or suffer the consequences. Of course I look down towards my feet and see that out of no where I have a golden retriever and he had pooped on the grass. My friends seeing this warn me that if the man in the truck see's this he will flip out, so we pick up my large friend from his lawn chair and commence wiping the dog poop with his shirt, while he is still in it... yea... i know strange. Just as we finished the man from the truck, who looked a lot like mario, drove up right towards me and my friends and asked me where I got the dog. I told him it was none of his business and that he should leave immediately, and just as I said that, it was like a spell had been broken. Seeing that my friends were not free i'm assuming I left them there or that this is where this part of the story ends. Because the next part has nothing to do will any of this... kinda.

I found myself in an elevator with my uncle John, and my cousin Chris. I had been told earlier (this is just one of those things i know) that we were going to a gym to eat. As the doors of the elevator open a group of people file in preventing us from getting out, at least not all at the same time. Finally I managed to free pry myself out and then found myself in a giant marble hall with only a few people, but all dressed quite appropriately. I see my uncle and my cousin across the room talking to this tall spanish looking man with glasses. I approached the three of them just as I did, this beautiful hispanic woman had done the same, she was wearing a beige silk dress that sparkled in the light. The tall man introduced us and then the two kindly departed. My cousin looks at me and says
"I'm married, he's fat, your the only one with a chance."
"I thought we came here to work out and eat!? I'm wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt! I have no chance!"
Frustrated about the situation I leave my uncle and my cousin to mingle and sure enough find myself a bunch of stationary bikes that I can use... yep stationary bikes in a fancy restaurant.
Unfortunately out of the three bikes that there were, the one in the middle was being occupied by an extremely old woman who had placed all her belongings on the one to her left, and was placing her right leg which had a cast on it, on top of the seat of the right bike. As my frustration grew this strange looking man in a fedora walked up to me, getting a mafia type vibe of him I stood up straight and looked to his lead. Huh.. i didn't know Peru had a mafia.
Anyways he comes up to me and tells me that these bikes aren't for me, and that if I want to meet that girl that I keep staring at I need to help the boss out by being in his movie.

Why the hell not right? I mean what do I have to lose!?

I end up right back in the jungle... exact same landscape as before (this is the only reason why i thought that there might be a connection between this dream and the last). The movie I had enrolled myself in had a basic plot, two groups racing towards the forbidden pool first one there wins. But there are also a few shadowy demonic creatures chasing all of us! (same creatures as before!) weird, I know! We trekked through the jungle and strange ruins until finally we realized that we are on the top of a mountain, a mountain who's edge we had reached. Covering the face of the mountain were a series of old ruined steps, but these weren't rudely crafted steps, it seemed as though an extremely gifted people had lived here before, the architecture was very renaissance-esque. And rivalled that of the egyptians and the romans and that of later day europe. Both groups knowing the end was near started racing down the steps, but as far down as we ran we weren't getting anywhere. The steps were actually a maze, and as we all tried to figure out how the maze worked, we notice that one by one are numbers were dwindling. The Shadowy creatures had caught up to us and were capturing us as we tired from running. Now Don't ask me how I realized this because I don't know how I did, but during the dream I figured out that if i asked myself a question the ground around me would slope even further down in almost a slide type of fashion and lead me to the next set of stairs. The catch was that if you were caught using this method you would be captured and killed. With only 5 of us left, two from my group and three from the other, I separated myself and continued using my question method. I eventually reached a cliff edge but knew that I had actually reached the forbidden pool and that the cliff was only an illusion hiding it from people to scare them off. I jumped off the cliff and found myself in the pool now being surrounded by everyone that I had dreamt of earlier including the two groups, my uncle, my cousin, the three warriors, and Chris and Stevie. There was food and drinks all around, everyone was having an amazing time. Then the old spanish man with glasses that I had met earlier at the restaurant stood on the water and thanked everyone for cooperating in his movie. He gave us all of 300 000 dollars each as a reward, and assured us that this was not including the money we will get from the sales of the movie. Just as i thought that life couldn't get any better I saw the woman from the restaurant swimming towards me, she pinned me up against the wall and looked deep into my eyes and asked if I wanted her, I replied with resounding yes! And just as we were about to kiss she moved away from me and went into the arms of another man... Devastated I swam away and tried to enjoy the rest of the party. Unfortunately the rest of the dream consisted of me meeting new people but they all recognize me as the guy who got shot down. It was really a very shitty way of ending what was honestly one of the most interesting dreams I have had in a while.

Thanks for Reading!

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