The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Razzle'madazzle Fizzazle and why you should be worried.

Well its now been 22 days since my operation, and things are starting to look a little better for ol'chappy.

Two days ago my splint finally came off. The entire situation was pretty funny due to the fact that once I was called from the waiting room to go to the little waiting room at my doctors office, I didn't actually have to wait at all, he came in immediately and told me I could take my splint off, and then left.

Other then the first time I had sex, i've never removed an article of clothing that fast.

It had been 2o days since I was able to scratch my leg, and let me tell you I scratched the fuck out of my leg. So much so that by the time the doctor came back into the room, my leg had become completely red with weird little blotches of white. My doctor's exact words were, "what the fuck happened to your leg!?" I actually had to calm him down and tell him that I had been scratching..
Okay maybe that was really funny. But we had a good laugh so fuck you.
just kidding come back... come back.

you there?


anyways not much has changed since the splint removal other then the fact that I know go to physiotherapy. Which is amazing. People claim to hate it, but I find it so relaxing. It's a work out without actually working out. If that makes sense.

I do get out a little more now. I am currently at a coffee place having some tea. Writing this blog and scorning some acorns. Things are looking up a little bit I have to admit. I also found out I don't have to work for another month. Which I mean is awsome. But for someone who is broke and now reusing the same tea bag for the third time, its a little concerning.

Anyways, no dreams, no updates. Nothing special.

Although i do love you.


Desperate to make some money, George has become a car attendant, like a flight attendant but in a car. George will cater to your many traveling needs.

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