The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Good, The Bad, And the Chappell

Hey everyone,

Well it's now been 21 days since my operation, and my time off has been met with some good and bad times, Just thought I'd share some of those from the weekend.

The Good:
I took some time to go over to my dads place this weekend to hangout with my younger brother and play some video games with him. We chatted and munched and bonded. everything I could hope for in a visit with a sibling. It was a lot of fun.

The Bad:
What I learned that day was how bad I suck and video games now. Unless the title of the video game ends with "64" I really have a small to no chance of beating anyone at anything. Which my brother kindly reminded me plenty of times :) We ended up played some Mario Kart Wii where I really let myself down... P.S I also learned that the track called "Rainbow Road" should actually really be called the "Rainbow Rape Way" I still hurt. lol

The Good:
I had my first follow up since my operation with my Doctor today. He ended up giving my knee a clean bill of health!

The Bad:
before he gave my knee a clean bill, he actually told me he was worried that h the screw placed in my tibia might have actually blown right through the bone...which would of resulted in another surgery! I had to wait an hour for my x-ray results to come back. At which time the only clean thing I was wishing for other than my a clean bill knee was a clean pair of shorts.

The Good:
Got the scrabble app for my Iphone yesterday.

The Bad:
Misspelled the word rinse in front of an old lady, which ended up in an hour long conversation about the deteriorating state of young people in the wold today... Good talk...

The Good:
My Movember Moustache is coming in real nicely!

The Bad:
My Movember Moustache is coming in... real nicely...

The Good:
I have two awesome friends who gave me an early surprise present for my birthday with an awesome painting!

The Bad:
I just had to show you all that old picture haha *facepalm* Awesome Gift!

All Jokes a side though what I'm trying to get to with my blog this week is that though the weekend was actually actually really good, and sadly pretty bad. It did feel a little more like a normal weekend for me. I got to get out of the house and had a chance to go back to my work and say hi to everyone which I miss. The only thing that really freaked me out is that I've noticed that when it comes to the "good and bad" I realized that the better I feel, the more my heart actually breaks. I've had times where I knew that getting over someone was what I needed to do. But it was something I strived for because I didn't want to hurt anymore. The difference this time being that I don't actually want to get over it (in a way), I know by all rights I really should. But at the end of the day when I start to better I feel , I get upset about because It means its all a step closer to being just a memory. I don't want it to be a just a memory, I specially don't want her to be just a memory. What do you do when the hurt of moving on is worse than the hurt your feeling because your just sad? The reason for this is because I'm not mad at her for breaking my heart... I don't blame her at all for the decision she made. But what makes me mad is that I feel like for right now, I'm on a one way road. A road which I'm desperately looking for an exit for because I don't like where its taking me.. having to shed all these feelings.

Well This is definitely a new one for me, and well that was my truth bomb for the week, sorry if it got a little deep but hey... Shut up lol :) I'll definitely try and end the next one on a high note! But as always Thanks for reading all! Talk to you soon!

Chaps -

P.S Been Listening to Yeah Yeah Yeah alot lately, heres their acoustic version of their song Hysteric.

Take Care.

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