The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Another year another turkey!

Ah yes,

Well thanks giving has been over for about two days now, but for me it ended last night! I was very fortunate this year to be able to have three... yes thats right, countem! Three! Thanks Giving dinners, which meant three helpings of stuffing, three helpings of mash potatos and three big ol butter balls!

Sunday night I had an awesome dinner over at my grandma and grandpas (my dads side) place, It was so good to see the family, my little bro and my little sister. The food was actually so good, that I decided to take a nap, well actually it wasn't so much me taking a nap but rather me literally passing out with out any desire to Haha After i woke from my coma we went to nose hill for an awesome hour walk, where I got lost in the dark and was pretty sure something was looking at me from inside the tree line.

Monday night it was time for dinner over at the moms side of the family, were i got to spend the day with new baby grace and hang out with ol Jake the snake and his friend Yoshi.

( what a cutie!! )

( Only picture I could find of these two when there not jumping and attacking each other haha, they really friends though! )

Unfortunately unlike the night before, there was un over indulgence in wine and gin, which ultimately led me to a pub with my friend miller later on that night, where at I'm quite sure I made a fool of myself... Once again. =S haha

Finally day three, tuesday. Feeling extremely hung over I stole the old Jakey Bear and took him for a run to try and sweat out all the alcohol!

730 pm the last turkey dinner had begun. This dinner was being held at our house, and our delicious meals were made by none other than our friends Alex, Rob, Miller and Richard!

we even got fancy napkins made just for richard...

(... Okay okay, we didn't have these made, we just have an extremely large amount of Ricky's napkins... Long story. haha )

The night ended up being fantastic, it was so great to have everyone at the house and be able to sit down and eat together, and just enjoy each others company, what can I say, good times!

As always there are a few people that couldn't make it, so I just want to give a special shout out to them ( you know who you are =) ), Happy Turkey Day, hope you had an amazing one! See ya next year!
