The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Demons & Women

Hey all,

So last night I couldn't sleep (what?! reallY?! no way!? ) at all last night. When I did finally fall asleep around 1130 am, I had three dreams... And as far as emotional responses that a dream can invoke in a person, they were all really intense, and unfortunately they were all horrible ( well one of them was horrible in a good way ) as well... Its now been a full day and I still haven't been able to shake them.

The first one woke me up at 1230am. It was about things that have been going in my life recently, but it focused on my fears, and when I woke up, I woke up furious and devastated. I couldn't remember the last time i've been so angry and sad at the same time. I'm not going to share that one because its, well, way to personal.

The second dream was the strange one out of the three. It started of with myself sitting in my room. I was thinking of a girl when one of my roommates ( not sure which one ) came in and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and told me of something that could help me get through my sadness. He told me to follow him upstairs, which I did, and as we got upstairs, the house all of a sudden was turned into my grandmas house, even though in the dream it was still my roommates and mines house. My buddy told me to follow him quickly back downstairs, which I found odd and slightly annoying but did anyways. When we got downstairs the basement I had just came from wasn't there any more, It had turned into one of those cryptic old libraries.

You could tell no one had been in here in a very long time, the smell of old pages filled the room, It was cold, dark, and dusty. He led to me the end of an isle where shelf after shelf of books were labelled witchcraft. He pulled out a large book and put it on an old table. He opened to a page and started reciting a certain spell. Now I have no clue what the spell was, it was never mentioned in my dream, but something tells me that it was love spell. Anyways he finished the spell, and I stood there feeling no different. I was confused and a very frustrated so I stormed off. On my way out of the library I noticed that there were now a few people sitting in it. But they were all men, all with open books, and yet none of them were reading, they were all just staring at me. Feeling a little creeped out I headed for the stairs with a quicker pace and headed out of the library.

I was now outside, it was night time and there were people walking all around the neighbourhood. The street lights were brighter than usual, and once again it was only men. I got to the end of the street and then started to notice something rather odd. While they were staring at me there faces were all starting to slowly turn red. Frightened I turned around and started walking back towards my house, but the closer and closer I got the more red the faces became. The mens faces then started growing horns and disfigurements like demons. The faces went from blank and wide eyed to wide eyed and very angry. Yet they did not approach me, not one.

I got myself back in the house, closed the door behind me and fell to the ground. I through my back against the door and put all my weight on it. Gasping for air, I slowly looked up, to find my house was filled with women, and I recognized every single one of them. It was house full of women that I knew and at one point or another, and at one point had a crush on or just simply found them attractive. ( it was crazy, there were some people that I haven't though of in years!!!) They were all dressed extremely provocative and were staring at me as if trying to seduce me, yet I knew that there only intention was to kill me.

Strange how outside it was only men who looked pure evil and yet did not attack, and inside it was women, beautiful but clearly only wanted to kill me. I had known now for a while that something must have gone wrong with the spell, so I headed for the back of the house to try and get back downstairs to the library. I found myself being blocked every step of the way by these women. They were all grabbing me and trying to pin me down. Mean while this was all happening, every few seconds I would hear a voice coming from a far, screaming my name, she would then follow up by yelling things like "where are you going" "This is what you wanted" "Give it up" "you can't win"and "I miss you". I couldn't tell where the voice was coming from or who it was, but it sounded very angry and very scary.As I broke my way through through everyone, I got the top of the stairs and tried closing the door, only to find a pile of clothing preventing me from closing it.

I decided to just move on down, but found that the library was no longer there, it was now my other grandmas ( dads side ) basement, but some of the libraries possessions were there; a few shelves, books, scrolls, maps and large candles. I was able to lock the the door at the bottom of the stairs behind me, buying me some time while I looked for the book of spells to see if I could come up with some anti curse thingy. As the bangs got louder and louder behind the door, the voice which was screaming my name also became louder.

I found the disenchantment and placed it apon myself just as the door came flying of its hinges! ( It was a girl I know and care for very )well. She was standing there in the threshold alone. It was at this time I realized it was her who was doing all the screaming. I prepared myself for the worst but was shocked when she did not move forward. She just stood there staring at me... She was dressed normally, and did not seem angry, or evil, or possessed in anyways. Her eyes began to swell, so I walked towards her only to find that the spell I had casted must have made me drowsy, as I attempted to get closer to her it became harder and hard to stand. I fell to the ground and began crawling towards her and then finally had to drag myself across the floor with just my hands to get to her. I can still feel fabric of the carpet beneath me, smell it... I couldn't drag myself any further, I stopped and looked up at her eyes. They were now filled with tears streaming down her face. She never took her offs off me, the pain emanating from her gaze was unbearable. I was close enough now to reach out for her hand if only she would reach out to me with hers...But then my eyes closed I believe I died ( not really sure ). This scared the crap out of me and It was then when when I woke up.

Wow this one really did a number on me, it was strange and very upsetting, but nothing compared to the third dream I had. Funny how good dreams, can be the most upsetting dreams. But that my friends Is a story that you will unfortunately never hear. Thank you all for reading my dream post, hope you all enjoyed it. I sure didn't lol. I haven't even had a chance to try to interpret them. Should be interesting to see what it means. Clearly whats going on in my life is having an effect on my sleeping patterns and experiences, its nothing i'm not use to, its just sometimes it can be at times, a little much. We have to remember that they are just dreams, and shouldn't let them play with our emotions, even though its so hard not to.

Sleep well all, have a great night.

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