The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008)

So in my random browsing of Youtube I cam across this video I haven't seen in a very long time. Im actually quite surprised I forgot about it.

This video is about a man named matt, a normal guy from Australia who one day got tired of his regular day to day life, so he decided to quit his job and and go traveling. He's made a pair of videos so far which is basically him around the world dancing like an idiot. But the thing about this video in particular that I like so much is that he was able to have others join him in the dancing. And for for 4 mins and 29 seconds thousands of people from around 42 countries were all joined together in dance.



What comes now

Hey all,

Well, what was said was said. What needed to be done was done. For the first time in a long time, I find myself feeling no anger, no stress and a bit of relief. Yet even though I feel good about where I am at the moment, and even though I feel I can see light at the end of the tunnel. I can't help but feel sad, my heart is still broken.

Im sad things couldn't work out the way I wanted them to. Im sorry that where we are is directly caused by what we felt at one point was good ( which it was! by all means ). In saying that, given the chance to do things all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. Every once in a while a special person may come in to your life, and you don't know how long they will be with you, but you should cherish every moment with them.

But at the end of the day we all need to take care of ourselves. Which unfortunately means making those hard decisions. But its not making those decisions that is difficult part, it's sticking with them. It's trying to convince ourselves that we owe it to ourselves to push forward. We owe it to ourselves to sacrifice some things so that we can be happy later, and so that maybe one day we can share that happiness with someone. It might be a different person, might be the same person. Who knows. We can't worry about what the future brings, all we can do is live in the present.

It's been a hard week for me ( just read my blogs hahaha ) Yea yea I know, what your thinking... deja vu. Well your right, I have already written about this before. So Im not really going to do it again. like I said before, what needed to be done is done, and what needed to be said was said, except for one thing. Your not alone, Im there for you if ever you truly need someone :)

Thanks everyone!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Eddie is Gold


Well much to your surprise (I'm Sure) it's about 550 am and I'm wide awake,
So I'm PERU-zing (sorry) around youtube and decided to search Eddie Vedder... As you do duh.
I found a clip from of one of my favorite songs from his first solo album, its called society.

Now playing next to him was someone who I didn't know. Luckily Eddie says his name and it turns out being a Liam Flin, a Musician/songwriter born in Australia before moving to New zealand. I decided to check him out on youtube and the first video I found was this, and it literally blew my mind away. Hope you enjoy!

The song is called "Second Chance" and its from his first album "I'll be Lighting."

Now maybe everyone has heard of him, and Im just really out of the loop, which may very well be as my musical knowledge is quite limited. But either way Im just finishing up listening to his first album and the guy has talent for sure, look him up on youtube as he has some amazing live performances.

Cheers all!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

There was nothing to hold him back except himself.

Hey all,

Before I get started I want to share a snippet from an episode of south park called "Raisins" Season 7 Episode 14. Since first seeing this episode, this part has always stuck with me. Every time I find myself in a situation similar to the one I'm in now I draw from this and it makes me feel a little better. And it just goes to prove that Butters is by far the best south park character there is.

Goth Kid 2 - Yeah, we're gonna go to the graveyard and write poems about death and how pointless life is.

Butters - Uh, uhm no thanks. I love life.

Stan - Huh? but you just got dumped.

Butters - Well yeah, and I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It's, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt something really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I'm feeling is a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid.

So without getting into to much detail, today was a pretty rough day for me. I did what was honestly the last thing I ever wanted to do. I had to let go of someone I love even though In love is exactly what I still am with them. It gave me no satisfaction and to be honest hasn't made things easier on me. But to add another quote..."If you have chemistry you only need one other thing, timing. But timings a bitch" ( ill let you figure out where i got this one

No one ever likes making these types of decisions, they're not easy and they're not fun. Whats worst about them is that deep down inside, we know they're right. While I do agree that we need to take the good with the bad, it should never be at the same time. Love might be hard to find but, "One is loved because one is Loved. No reason is needed for loving."- The Alchemist. And while we did love each other it just couldn't happen, not now.

I had just recently read the Alchemist, Its a pretty quick read (I read it in one sitting) but I absolutely loved it. It's about a Shepherd that sets out on to find his treasure by fulfilling his personal legend ( life's dream if you will ). It recounts his journeys and the lessons he learns along the way up until the very end. He then finally understands that, the true meaning of his personal legend was not to find the treasure, but to understand the personal legend itself. Only then would he find his treasure.

The one thing I noted was that every time someone realized which book it was that I was reading they all came up to me and told me basically the same thing. "Thats a great read. Its quick and has a good story to it, but you can also draw so much from it... if you need to." Even though I heard what they all had to say, until now, up until this very day, I had never truly understood it. But I think I have now, for my part anyways.

Love is strong and powerful, but as amazing as it is, it comes with its good and it comes with its bad (as butters so elegantly put =) ). But what love should never do is stop us from living our lives ( our personal legends). She new that, and even though I could tell she knew, i just wouldn't listen to her or myself... until i finally clued in and made the decision to let her go, which was horrible, hardest thing I've ever had to do. I don't want to bullshit you all and make you think that I'm okay, because I'm not. Im heartbroken and devastated. But I do think I'm a stronger person for it, and I think shed agree.

Whats good about my situation; the good that has come with the bad, is that I think I'm ready to start living my life, Its opened my eyes. Being with her made me want to be a better person, I never knew how happy I could be until I was with her. And I love her for it, and always will. Maybe that happiness she gives me is my treasure, (maybe not, who knows) But its not about the treasure, its about getting there, Its about making those hard decisions, and living life to its fullest. which is what I plan to do. So yea, you know what I'm gonna mope around for a few days, feel sorry for myself (not gonna lie) but after wards I'm gonna pick myself up and start getting on with my life. And maybe someday Ill find that treasure because "wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure."

I really do appreciate anyone who decides to sit and read my blogs. Over the next few weeks I have off, i;m really gonna try and organize it a little better so that its not just me spilling everything about my life. Try and make it little more fun. But still as always, be a place were people can come see that they aren't alone. Thanks

Take care all!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Yet another


I find myself here in my room, writing to express how deeply upset I am with myself. This morning at 740am I was scheduled to have my last operation on my knee, It was from this moment on that I would have to start going through some gruelling physiotherapy that would last for three months. But the light at the end of the tunnel was in sight, my year and half recovery was almost at an end. But as I do with most things, I screwed it up.

Over the Last few weeks, I had been fighting off my fear of this operation. Not because of the operation itself, but because of what it meant to me and my life. The absence from my work where I've been working full time for the last three years was already a big enough change for me. I've committed so much time to that place and now to be able to spend some time to myself was, I'm not going to lie a little scary. It's all very new to me and I don't know where to start.

Another thing this operation meant was a new beginning, as I have been planning on returning to school after I was done rehabilitation. I haven't been to school in 3 and half years and even thinking about getting started again is frightening. The same fears and doubts that plagued my mind three years ago, (and i'm sure plague a lot of new students) were still there even after all that time away.

Another reason why I have been fearing this operation is due to my own personal issues about the changes the recovery will bring to my social life. Now obviously with recovery, comes a lot of time where I'm going to be alone, and it sucks, there are some people who I wont be able to see as much as i'd like and to, and even though the reason I feel this way is my own issue, its still doesn't change the fact that these people mean a lot to me... I sure hope they know who they are and how important they are, and even though I may be worrying to much ( :P ), its only because i really do appreciate the time spent together.

Now with all this being said, yesterday and today before my surgery I spent a lot of time preparing myself for these changes, accepting them and embracing because at the end of the day, ill be recovering and I'll be better for it. But last night at 445am as I was leaving the house, my head went completely blank and I ate half a BK whopper... It wasn't until half way to my grand mothers that I realized what I had done. (can't eat before you to hospital!!! ) When I arrived the first thing I did was make my self vomit every little thing I had in my stomach... hoping this might resolve the problem... Well I was sure wrong lol.

I arrived at the hospital and got the IV in me, shaved my leg and all that fun stuff, and when the nurse was asking me a bunch of questions I decided it would be smart to tell her what had happened. She looked at me with a shocked expression and quietly asked "you did what?" I replied my statement again but this time added that I had made myself throw up. She said it would probably be okay and then left. The next thing i know my anesthesiologist comes up to me and tells me that they are going to have to bump me from 740 to 12 due to me having eaten. I replied that was okay and thought it was the end of it. Until my actual doctor came up to me and told me that the chances of me being opened up today were pretty low, and that I would have to be rebooked for another day, as early as possible. I panicked a little but hey whats another few days. The doctor left and then I proceeded to lay down on that bed for 7 hours until 245 with yet no word of what was going to happen, doc shows up and tell me there was no time to work on me and that I would have to wait a month... A FUCKING MONTH!

Im now stuck in this weird situation. Since my doctor added me to the cancelation list (top of the list) the moment anyone misses or cancels there appointment, I'm in. Which means at any moment i could get a call and have to be ready for surgery the next day. Which means I can't go back to work... I cant tell them I can start working and work two shifts and then tell them I'll be missing the rest of my week. So now I'm stuck doing nothing for what could be a very long month. And the worst part about all of this is that I now have to prepare myself for life after surgery all over again... Get myself in that frame of mind where I know things are going to be okay. After today it was pretty hard, not going to lie, who knows how the rest of this month could go. I know how I want it to, I know how all my problems could be solved but really, who in life gets what they want (example today). The only thing I can do is be myself and work for what I want and prove to myself that I deserve it. And hopefully things will work out.

So here's to a fun filled month of nothing, and everything.


Andrew Chappell

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Almost there!

I'm officially done my last night shift, now to sit down relax and enjoy my schooner! Two more shifts to go!

Jillian Babin (Babycakes)

Hey All,

Wow two posts today, you must all be lucky,

This will be a quickie, I thought I should share something rather unfortunate that happened to me.

1. Did you know you can text yourself from your own Iphone? yep, if you make yourself a contact in your list, you can text yourself... Fun fact.

2. Have you ever heard of Jillian Babin? Well she is a female curler who plays for New Brunswick. And she is also a woman who myself and my Room mate mark like to fight over.

The story goes that mark and I were having a few drinks and the topic of Jillian came up. Well we both start arguing about who she would pick between us. To prove a point that Jillian and I are together ( we are not ) I changed my contact name on my phone from Andrew Chappell, to Jillian Babin, I also Inserted a really lame nick name with the final product being Jillian Babin (baby cakes).

This means that whenever I text myself, It shows as if I'm being texted by Jillian. So with a little editing on the text screen it can look like her and myself are having conversations. Such as.
"Hey andrew, I had a great time last night, except for your room mate mark. Can you tell him that we are together and that I'm not interested in him. Thanks baby! love you"

If your thinking to yourself... wow that is lame, well you are correct, but thats how we roll in the Cherokee House hold lol

But this isn't even the embarrassing part...

Did you know that when you sync your Iphone to your Mac, all your contacts sync as well? All your personal information that is on your phone is synced to your personal information on your Mac. Itunes, Iphote, Imail... Everything. Pretty convenient yes, but when not being careful it can be pretty bad.

As I mentioned my name on my Iphone is now Jillian Babin not Andrew Chappell, so now When i'm writing Emails to University counsellors its coming out like this...

As you can see, my name is Andrew Chappell... But really. You can call me Jillian Babin ( babycakes )... FML =)

A good one.

Hey everyone,

Well today, Im going to be submitting a dream blog, it's been a while I know but lately I just haven't been able to get a good nights sleep in, and therefore I haven't really been able to get a good dream together either. But last night I ended up sleeping for a good 7 hours! I can't remember the last time I slept so much.


The dream started with myself and an unknown person on a rooftop patio. We were both sitting and enjoying our food when we both noticed that there were far too many pigeons flying around and some even walking right up to our table and trying to eat our food. My friend, who for some reason I can't see, in fact I believe this entire part of the dream is from my friends point of view, so essentially I am my friend in this dream, but I have no idea who that friend is. Anyways my friend starts complaining and suggesting that we just leave. I told him not too worry, that I had a solution for such a problem. I bend under the table and bring back up with me a Large Bird Cage with what looks to be a baby Owl. Now this damn thing was cute as hell and super tiny but also kinda scary.

But at this point I have no idea what this owl could possibly do to better the situation... I open the door to the cage and the little guy walks out minding his own business and as soon as the first pigeon walks up to him, faster than you can say "who" the owl attacks and swallows the pigeon hole leaving behind small traces of blood and feathers. Both of sat there stunned as we had not expected that all, we both looked at each other and smiled. The owl continued to eat his way through pigeons all over the place, but the longer this went on the more it seemed I was very uncomfortable with it. My friend though ( my point of view ) seemed to be enjoying it quite alot. Anyways, I decided enough was enough and I grabbed the owl and put him back in his cage, and decided that he needed to go back to wherever it was that I got him from.

This is the part in my dream where it gets a little hazy, All I remember from here on is that I was in a castle trying to find his owner, but every time I got close to a lamp, or candle or any time of light source the owl would do something that made the lights go out, essentially blinding me. Now after a while the owl it self disappeared completely leaving me in the dark, walking through this castle in the middle of the night. I remember feeling the cold bricks that made up the walls as I was trying to feel my way through the hall ways. I started hearing footsteps behind me getting closer and closer. So at that point I panicked and started to run, and as soon as I did, I sure enough tripped over something and fell. I could feel Cold hands start to rub against me, more than two, I would say three or four sets. Still completely blind and tried to break myself free but I couldn't. I tried screaming for help but before I could even open my mouth a cold clammy hand was covering it. It was at this point where I woke up around 5am in my bed, all hot and out of breath, Now from experience I've had issues with these types of situations because normally when i try to go back to sleep, I fall right back into where I left my dream. But this was not a dream I wanted to get back into, so I tried to stay up a little bit, and well that lasted about 3 mins.

Luckily when I fell back asleep it was not into that dream, I was now at a camping spot, I don't know where I was camping. I only knew that we had just arrived and that I was with my wife and kid. We get out of the car and start walking up to the forest tree line, as we come across what seems to be a path the leads straight through the forest.

we see a dear walk across it, followed a moose. We wait a little longer and sure enough the dear walks by agian this time in the other direction, followed again by the large moose. A third time passes but this time the two animals were much closer. A fourth time occurs but this time the moose stops dead in the middle of the path, and turns his head towards us. Now I don't know why I'm having dreams like this but, as the moose turned his head towards us, his eyes were glowing red, and he had this demonic expression on his face. Seeing this I told my family to run to the car, and as soon as those words came out of my mouth the moose started charging straight for us.

Now you know those dreams where your running down a hallway but just can't seem to run fast enough. Well this was kind of like that, but different in the sense that we had a little up hill to clime to get back to our car, but It felt like I was to old, my joints hurt and my legs were just not strong enough. I kept looking behind me and saw the moose getting closer and closer. I finally reach the car, that my family had already reached and got into. But I knew I hadn't made it, I braced myself against the side of the volvo ready to get hit, I face the moose and start screaming and just as I do, the moose disappears.

Now back in my car, driving away, we go up this big hill to take a look at the land, but as we reach the top, we notice that we weren't in the forest at all, there were maybe 30-40 trees and behind those was a giant school followed by a giant city. I asked my family where we were, and they weren't my family any more, now I was with 5 different people who informed me that we were in spain. ( of course ).

So now were in spain, and the objective we were looking for is unknown. We spent a few hours driving around the city looking for I'm not sure what. But the strange thing was, we were driving down the streets in this tiny car, passing people that were either half our size, or twice our size. At the end of every street there was either a little boy or a little girl singing some song. Now i know spanish, I speak it fluently, but I couldn't understand a word of what people were saying. ( which was a little frustrating ). We finally end up at an indoor swimming pool and we see this door with a symbol on it. I have never seen this symbol before, but as soon as we all saw it, we knew this is where we needed to go. We attempted to open the door but it was barred, we pushed, we kicked we rammed, we did everything we could to open up this door, but we just could not get it to budge. It was at this point were non other than Will Smith, (in his MIB uniform obviously) showed up and simply kicked the door down, and then disappeared. With out any hesitation we ran into the room which was stairwell. The only issue was that it was completely filled with men in black jump suits wearing pumpkins on there heads.

They quickly swarmed us, I kicked some sort of large object down the stairs and it nocked them all down, but it only took them a few seconds to get themselves back up, we started running up the stairs and then realized that they were also up there. The pumpkin heads slowly started capturing all my companions except for me. It was then were I ran face to face with the Head pumpkin guy. We started fighting, exchanging blows to the face until I came up on top. He immediately released all my friends but warned me that he would be back for me if I didn't leave town right away. So without any hesitation myself and my friends picked a direction and just started running that way, we ran and ran and ran, until we finally made to a barn outside of the city. In this barn we found a airplane which you would think we could all just get into and escape. But this being my dream, it would only make sense if what we did was have one of us start the plane, get it up in the air, drop some rope and have us have chase down the ropes while riding bulls that we found in the barn... Yep, this happened, we had to ride bulls, behind the plain, wait for the plain to take off, and then catch the ropes that were dropped for us. It seemed simple enough for everyone, except for me, as my bull apparently doesn't know how run very fast. I jumped off my bull and barely caught the last inch of my rope, my friend at the very top looked down at me and asked me if I was okay, "NO!" I replied, I slowly started to climb my way up and up, until I was finally in the plane...

Once in the plane, the plane turned itself into a tree... yes.. a tree. Filled with nuts and berries that littered the floors. I looked down at my blue feet and felt frustrated. "I need to get out of here" I said to myself. I walk out of the hole in the tree that im in, and realize that not only am I in a tree hole, But I'm in a tree, with in an even larger tree. Desperate to get out, I start scaling the tree until I find another hole. As i climbed in, a co worker of mine ( Derek ) rudely tells me to get the hell out of his berry room. I wake up.

If you sat there and read this entire thing, than I congratulate you, this was a very long dream and to be quite honest I didn't even finish it. But I can fill you in on me serenading people at the Walmart another time :)

Have a good one!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

More Good Times


Ive officially been up all night, no sleep no nothing. So I figured I'd try and do something productive. Through this together pretty quickly, im pretty sure these are all from my iphone, so sorry about the quality.

Yikes, well I hope this works... Just me and a bunch of my friends being... well us.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Flip me Right side up!

Hey there,

So its been a while since I wrote anything, I haven't been able to sleep all night, as a continuation of my strange inability to sleep for more than 2-3 hours straight. ( Why yes! it is as fun as it sounds =) ).

Anywho, I decided to watch a movie to help pass the time, but could not for the life of me decide which movie it was going to be. So I just grabbed my giant binder full of my movies, through it on the coffee table and flipped it to a random page and grabbed the first movie I felt. The winner being Dan in Real Life, staring none other than Steve Carell.

Now you might be noticing that my slogan changed from "fill yourself with my nonsense", to" It's andrew in real life". Well yes this movie title was a direct influence on that, and I'm not going to deny it! But also I thought the old one sounded kinda dirty and I've been trying to figure out something to replace it with. YIKES, I digress. I really enjoyed this movie, I had never seen it before! You might be thinking, why do you own a movie you haven't seen before? WELLLLLLLLLLLL MISTER.. or Misses?, It's because someone told me it was good, and I decided to believe them. (just my nature I guess). I guess I just never found the time to get around to it, or just really wasn't interested. But after watching this movie I gotta say I was pretty surprised (In a good way).

I'm not going to go into to much detail of the movie, I don't really do reviews and plus I don't want to spoil it, but Its a love interest / Family coming together movie. Now wether it's because it was exactly the type of movie I needed to see (which was creepy), or just because its good (I think it is), or maybe both (I DONT KNOW) I just really enjoyed it, and yea it can be a little cheesy and corny at times as your about to see...

but if you ever find yourself staring a ceiling in the middle of the night for more than an hour and have two more to kill... Throw it on and give it a watch =)

I was in a pretty grouchy mood last night, work just playing its mind games with me I suppose. But I am now feeling 10 times better and am ready to try to get some sleep before work at 5! Its a big day tomorrow... or now. haha

Have a gooder all!


He's the one that told me about this movie... I'm not suppose to tell you that.

A touch up

Well its about 730 am, I've been up since 1 am, tossing and turning, so I figured i'd try and do something productive. Thought I'd play around with the design a bit, and i gotta say, I kinda like it! If you don't... well... I've got nothing for you...
Shut up :)
I'm gonna try and make a post now.

love Chappell