The world is on my side, I have no reason to run.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A good one.

Hey everyone,

Well today, Im going to be submitting a dream blog, it's been a while I know but lately I just haven't been able to get a good nights sleep in, and therefore I haven't really been able to get a good dream together either. But last night I ended up sleeping for a good 7 hours! I can't remember the last time I slept so much.


The dream started with myself and an unknown person on a rooftop patio. We were both sitting and enjoying our food when we both noticed that there were far too many pigeons flying around and some even walking right up to our table and trying to eat our food. My friend, who for some reason I can't see, in fact I believe this entire part of the dream is from my friends point of view, so essentially I am my friend in this dream, but I have no idea who that friend is. Anyways my friend starts complaining and suggesting that we just leave. I told him not too worry, that I had a solution for such a problem. I bend under the table and bring back up with me a Large Bird Cage with what looks to be a baby Owl. Now this damn thing was cute as hell and super tiny but also kinda scary.

But at this point I have no idea what this owl could possibly do to better the situation... I open the door to the cage and the little guy walks out minding his own business and as soon as the first pigeon walks up to him, faster than you can say "who" the owl attacks and swallows the pigeon hole leaving behind small traces of blood and feathers. Both of sat there stunned as we had not expected that all, we both looked at each other and smiled. The owl continued to eat his way through pigeons all over the place, but the longer this went on the more it seemed I was very uncomfortable with it. My friend though ( my point of view ) seemed to be enjoying it quite alot. Anyways, I decided enough was enough and I grabbed the owl and put him back in his cage, and decided that he needed to go back to wherever it was that I got him from.

This is the part in my dream where it gets a little hazy, All I remember from here on is that I was in a castle trying to find his owner, but every time I got close to a lamp, or candle or any time of light source the owl would do something that made the lights go out, essentially blinding me. Now after a while the owl it self disappeared completely leaving me in the dark, walking through this castle in the middle of the night. I remember feeling the cold bricks that made up the walls as I was trying to feel my way through the hall ways. I started hearing footsteps behind me getting closer and closer. So at that point I panicked and started to run, and as soon as I did, I sure enough tripped over something and fell. I could feel Cold hands start to rub against me, more than two, I would say three or four sets. Still completely blind and tried to break myself free but I couldn't. I tried screaming for help but before I could even open my mouth a cold clammy hand was covering it. It was at this point where I woke up around 5am in my bed, all hot and out of breath, Now from experience I've had issues with these types of situations because normally when i try to go back to sleep, I fall right back into where I left my dream. But this was not a dream I wanted to get back into, so I tried to stay up a little bit, and well that lasted about 3 mins.

Luckily when I fell back asleep it was not into that dream, I was now at a camping spot, I don't know where I was camping. I only knew that we had just arrived and that I was with my wife and kid. We get out of the car and start walking up to the forest tree line, as we come across what seems to be a path the leads straight through the forest.

we see a dear walk across it, followed a moose. We wait a little longer and sure enough the dear walks by agian this time in the other direction, followed again by the large moose. A third time passes but this time the two animals were much closer. A fourth time occurs but this time the moose stops dead in the middle of the path, and turns his head towards us. Now I don't know why I'm having dreams like this but, as the moose turned his head towards us, his eyes were glowing red, and he had this demonic expression on his face. Seeing this I told my family to run to the car, and as soon as those words came out of my mouth the moose started charging straight for us.

Now you know those dreams where your running down a hallway but just can't seem to run fast enough. Well this was kind of like that, but different in the sense that we had a little up hill to clime to get back to our car, but It felt like I was to old, my joints hurt and my legs were just not strong enough. I kept looking behind me and saw the moose getting closer and closer. I finally reach the car, that my family had already reached and got into. But I knew I hadn't made it, I braced myself against the side of the volvo ready to get hit, I face the moose and start screaming and just as I do, the moose disappears.

Now back in my car, driving away, we go up this big hill to take a look at the land, but as we reach the top, we notice that we weren't in the forest at all, there were maybe 30-40 trees and behind those was a giant school followed by a giant city. I asked my family where we were, and they weren't my family any more, now I was with 5 different people who informed me that we were in spain. ( of course ).

So now were in spain, and the objective we were looking for is unknown. We spent a few hours driving around the city looking for I'm not sure what. But the strange thing was, we were driving down the streets in this tiny car, passing people that were either half our size, or twice our size. At the end of every street there was either a little boy or a little girl singing some song. Now i know spanish, I speak it fluently, but I couldn't understand a word of what people were saying. ( which was a little frustrating ). We finally end up at an indoor swimming pool and we see this door with a symbol on it. I have never seen this symbol before, but as soon as we all saw it, we knew this is where we needed to go. We attempted to open the door but it was barred, we pushed, we kicked we rammed, we did everything we could to open up this door, but we just could not get it to budge. It was at this point were non other than Will Smith, (in his MIB uniform obviously) showed up and simply kicked the door down, and then disappeared. With out any hesitation we ran into the room which was stairwell. The only issue was that it was completely filled with men in black jump suits wearing pumpkins on there heads.

They quickly swarmed us, I kicked some sort of large object down the stairs and it nocked them all down, but it only took them a few seconds to get themselves back up, we started running up the stairs and then realized that they were also up there. The pumpkin heads slowly started capturing all my companions except for me. It was then were I ran face to face with the Head pumpkin guy. We started fighting, exchanging blows to the face until I came up on top. He immediately released all my friends but warned me that he would be back for me if I didn't leave town right away. So without any hesitation myself and my friends picked a direction and just started running that way, we ran and ran and ran, until we finally made to a barn outside of the city. In this barn we found a airplane which you would think we could all just get into and escape. But this being my dream, it would only make sense if what we did was have one of us start the plane, get it up in the air, drop some rope and have us have chase down the ropes while riding bulls that we found in the barn... Yep, this happened, we had to ride bulls, behind the plain, wait for the plain to take off, and then catch the ropes that were dropped for us. It seemed simple enough for everyone, except for me, as my bull apparently doesn't know how run very fast. I jumped off my bull and barely caught the last inch of my rope, my friend at the very top looked down at me and asked me if I was okay, "NO!" I replied, I slowly started to climb my way up and up, until I was finally in the plane...

Once in the plane, the plane turned itself into a tree... yes.. a tree. Filled with nuts and berries that littered the floors. I looked down at my blue feet and felt frustrated. "I need to get out of here" I said to myself. I walk out of the hole in the tree that im in, and realize that not only am I in a tree hole, But I'm in a tree, with in an even larger tree. Desperate to get out, I start scaling the tree until I find another hole. As i climbed in, a co worker of mine ( Derek ) rudely tells me to get the hell out of his berry room. I wake up.

If you sat there and read this entire thing, than I congratulate you, this was a very long dream and to be quite honest I didn't even finish it. But I can fill you in on me serenading people at the Walmart another time :)

Have a good one!

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